Sunday, June 10, 2001

june 9, 2001

june 9, 2001

no... the rhyme or reason stems from where i am at that particular moment in conjunction wI the series of events prior to that particular moment. although... i'm thinking more along the lines of stepping up to the plate whenever necessary.

for fun--remember that... apply that to this somehow... that to this... that to this... that to this...


have you ever had a conversation with someone without using words? other than physical conversation... physical conversation is the great prince slow jam that never was!

honorable mentions for quote of the year

" you know... i just listen to what you're doin' and its like this (3 random, sloppy snare hits) doesn't fit with this music"
--todd turkisher
(mp3 coming soon...)
"bery happy we did that..."
--shane yarbrough (typo while referring to the recording of 3 songs)
(mp3 coming soon?!?!?!?!?!?)
to new haven

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