Monday, August 20, 2007

Blast from the Past...

I found this in an old trunk in my Mom's garage this weekend... Oh the nostalgia...

Since playing its first gig in April of 1993, Denton, Texas' alternative rock phenomenon ting has made some major headway, and impressive feat for a band so new on the scene.

Favoring an energetic, melodic sound built on the foundation of acoustic and electric guitars, ting boasts a lineup that includes vocalist Matt Gibbings, acoustic guitarist Shane Yarbrough, electric guitarist David Trammel, bassist Jameson Longanecker and drummer Clint Stapleton.

Captivating live performances have earned the group a large, loyal following in Denton, Dallas, and Ft. Worth in addition to praise and support from more established artists like Austin musician David Garza.

Furthermore, ting's debut cassette, a five song sampling of infectious guitar-pop, will soon begin a second printing. The cassette features audience favorites like "talk-awhile" and "friend" and promises to raise the band's stakes significantly.

For more information, contact ting at:

p.o. box 9417
denton, tx 76203
(214) 520-2982

1 comment:

BMan said...

Ah, ting. So great. Such fun. Memories. :) Thanks for posting that!